Our Club Model: Engaging Stakeholders in the Transition to a Circular Economy @hoop_eu#bioeconomy Collaboration and communication are key for a successful transition to a more circular economy. Often, however, these social dimensions are overlooked. But how can we guide and enable collaboration? How can all stakeholder groups be integrated into these transition processes? We have created a stakeholder Club model to answer to these challenges. The CSCP’s Club model can be illustrated with our HOOP project working towards a circular bioeconomy. HOOP aims to explore ways to create higher-value products out of Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (OFMSW) and Urban Waste Water Sludge (UWWS). In the project, the CSCP leads the Biowaste Clubs with engaged stakeholders from eight pioneering cities and regions around Europe. Learn more about the Biowaste Club concept in this video: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube's privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube At the core of the Biowaste Clubs lies a stakeholder-driven process, long-term local leadership and the development of a shared vision. In an ongoing, inclusive dialogue all actors can contribute directly or indirectly to fostering a circular biowaste value chain. The Biowaste Clubs in the eight HOOP cities and regions are currently planning and implementing concrete actions to make their biowaste value chain more circular. The Biowaste Clubs are just one example of the types of circular economy “Clubs” the CSCP has developed and facilitates. The Club model is a transferable and replicable tool for multi-stakeholder engagement. For example, it has been adapted to the multi-layer plastic packaging industry in the MERLIN project. Circular economy clubs can support in keeping track of key stakeholders‘ motivations, drivers, challenges and needs during the development of circular value chains. Further, the CSCP’s approach builds upon a quadruple helix model including stakeholders from the realm of academia, industry, policy and civil society. If you would like to know more on how you could benefit from our club model to assist in your Circular Economy projects please contact Carina Diedrich.