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| Posted July 25, 2024

Kickstart of CARE’s Circular Heroes: Co-creation Workshops for European Households

Picture this: In Germany alone, 11 million tonnes of food waste in 2020 could fill more than 1.800 Olympic-sized swimming pools*, while nearly half a million tonnes of used clothing could cover the entire city of Munich in 2022**. What if we could minimise these staggering numbers through everyday circular habits? Discover how households are […]

| Posted July 11, 2024

Supporting IT Companies to Become Sustainability Accelerators

The twin sustainable and digital transformation of the economy is one of the biggest topics of our time. But, how can small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the IT industry drive this transformation and create added value for the economy and society in general? The ITM project funded by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) is […]

| Posted July 11, 2024

Supporting Sustainable Business in Africa Through Capacity Building

Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are a strong pillar of Africa’s economy. However, many such companies face challenges related to finance, skills, and market access. Through our SteamBioAfrica project we are working closely with MSMEs on capacity-building programmes focusing on sustainable entrepreneurship and financial management, enhancing local capacity, and fostering economic resilience. Africa enjoys […]

| Posted July 8, 2024

New HOOP Publications Released: How to Transform Urban Biowaste Management

How can cities better manage biowaste and promote circular bioeconomies? The HOOP project provides insights with its recently published National Action Manuals tailored for eight lighthouse cities in Europe. The manuals, which are available in the respective local languages, include guidelines on how to transform urban biowaste into valuable resources. The manuals are tailored to […]

| Posted June 27, 2024

Take the Lifestyle Test at the “Langer Tisch Festival” on 29 June 2024 in Wuppertal!

The collective sum of our individual lifestyles has a significant impact on the climate. Our Lifestyle Test, developed as part of the PSLifestyles project, supports citizens to take concrete actions for sustainable living in their local contexts. The test is available as a free web app in 9 European countries, including Germany. In June 2024, […]

| Posted June 27, 2024

Accelerating Next Food: Stakeholder Recommendations to Drive the Adoption of Alternative Proteins Across Europe

To date, the adoption on a large scale of plant-, insect- or fungi-based protein sources has been slow, calling for a better understanding of key factors at the consumer and broader infrastructural level. The EU-funded LIKE-A-PRO project is on a mission to accelerate the adoption of alternative proteins by considering how to increase their availability, […]

| Posted June 26, 2024

New CSCP Research Looks into Indicators for Sustainable Chemicals Management

Chemical substances in products can either enable or hinder circularity, thus playing a major role on the sustainability performance of the products in question. A new study published as part of the CSCP research project Sustainable Management of Chemicals looks into indicators for sustainable management of chemicals as well as criteria to ensure the quality […]

| Posted June 25, 2024

Empowering Consumers & Enabling Companies: Unravelling the Potential of the EU Green Claims

The number of labels and claims on sustainability advantages of products and services marketed in the European Union is at an all-time high. But, does this mean that consumers are truly empowered and enabled to make informed decisions? The European Commission thinks they aren’t. According to the European Commission, over 50% of green claims are […]

| Posted June 25, 2024

Klaus Töpfer: The Legacy of a Visionary

Former German Federal Minister, Head of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and CSCP co-founder, Klaus Töpfer passed away in June 2024 at the age of 85. His visionary, uncompromised, lifelong commitment to a sustainable future where everyone can live a fulfilling life remains a strong legacy for generations to come. After serving as Minister […]
