
Sustainable Island Mauritius: Creative Guidebook

This Guide Book has been created for entrepreneurs, artisans, designers and small and mediums-sized enterprises (SMEs) that produce products in Mauritius, as a continuation of our work in the Sustainable Island Mauritius project to support businesses on their sustainable product journey. While the Guide Book includes some references that are unique to Mauritius – its information, trends, and toolkits can be used by SMEs all over the world. It can also support the tourism industry in co-creating sustainable products with local producers to offer more authentic local products as well as make their value chains more sustainable and resilient.

The Creative Guide Book can support:

  • Actors creating and developing new products or updating existing products, including local producers, entrepreneurs, designers, crafters
  • Actors in charge of procuring products from local producers
  • Actors wanting to co-create new products with other entrepreneurs or tourism industry stakeholders who want to co-create unique new products with local suppliers

For more details, please download the complete creative guidebook.

