
Green Public Procurement for Sustainable Horticulture – A Policy Brief

This policy brief introduces Green Public Procurement (GPP) and how governments can influence the production of more environmentally friendly products and services through public purchases. Specifically for Kenya, the policy brief highlights how a GPP policy can be a strategic lever for the country towards achieving its Green Economy Strategy and Implementation Plan (GESIP) 2016 – 2030. GESIP is a blueprint for enhancing low-carbon, resource efficient, equitable and inclusive socio-economic transformation in Kenya. The policy brief posits that the Kenyan government can capitalise on GPP to facilitate sustainable development and transition towards a circular economy; strengthen agriculture and food systems; generate economic gains; encourage the SME sector development; bolster eco-innovation; create opportunity to marginalised/vulnerable groups; and enhance trust in public institutions. The policy brief lists a number of social, economic and environmental benefits associated with GPP. The lack of political support, perceived higher cost of green products, the lack of practical tools and information, and the lack of training are some of the potential challenges to GPP implementation according to the policy brief. Finally, linking GPP to MSMEs, particularly smallholder farmers, this policy brief recommends the county governments in Kenya to consider implementing GPP as a means to creating a stable demand and encourage small producers to continue their sustainable farming practice.
