
Watch our Webinar: Circular Economy on the City Level

Over 100 participants joined the webinar which sparked interesting discussions about smart and efficient ways of leveraging the potential of cities and municipal utilities in the transition towards more circularity. The panel of experts also called for building new alliances and networks to support this transformation.

Watch the 90 minute Circular Economy on the City Level webinar to find out more about local perspectives on circular economy.

The speaker slides are available here.


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Agenda and speakers:

Michael Kuhndt, Director of the CSCP
Alexander Bonde, Secretary General of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU)

Circular Economy as European priority – the new EU Circular Economy Action Plan and the role of cities
Emmanuelle Maire, European Commission, Directorate-General for Environment, Head of Unit B1 – Sustainable Production, Products and Consumption

Starting the transition towards a Circular City – Why, how, with whom? The case of Copenhagen
Bo Asmus Kjeldgaard, former mayor of Copenhagen and CEO of Greenovation

Circular city approaches and success stories – Insights and case examples
Simon Clement, Co-ordinator, Sustainable Economy and procurement, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability

Open discussion

To learn more about circularity in the context of local municipalities, please check out our Circular Economy Guidebook for Cities.

Please contact Stephan Schaller for further questions.
