
IT Companies as Sustainability Accelerators – Join Our Workshops!

The twin sustainable and digital transformation of the economy is one of the biggest topics of our time. But, how can small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the IT industry drive this transformation and create added value for the economy and society in general?

The ITM project funded by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) is supporting a pioneering group of German SMEs from the Information Technology (IT) sector to optimise their own sustainability performance (decrease footprint), innovate twin transformative products and services (increase handprint), and advocate for supportive market framework conditions on a policy level.

The hands-on collaboration with 12 pioneer SMEs ranged from developing sustainability strategies and related organisational transformation approaches to working with marketing, product management, and sales teams on how to spot and develop new, sustainability-oriented business opportunities.

Pioneering companies in the field, note the following success factors:

  • Strong support and involvement from the top management, including resource allocation
  • Clarity on the purpose, namely spelling out the targeted value drivers and outcomes
  • Hands-on customer discovery process and initial focus on low-threshold offerings
  • Positioning of sustainability as a business case
  • Integrating sustainability into existing services and products as cross-sell and up-sell
  • Develop and work in collaborations and partnerships (business ecosystem)

Following the intensive work with the pioneer group, a series of webinars was conducted to provide other SMEs in the field of IT with orientation and support on a few key topics:

The ITM Twin Transformation project will organise further webinars on the following topics:

  • 9 October 2024: Sustainability reporting & controlling – register now!
  • 13 November 2024: Quantifying the carbon footprint and handprint of ICT solutions – register now!

The ITM Twin Transformation project is funded by DBU and run in collaboration with BITMi, Germany’s only association representing exclusively SMEs in the IT sector.

For further information, please contact Arne von Hofe.
