
Unlocking the Potential of Circular Economy Policies in the Western Balkans

The circular economy is a key lever to reduce the environmental and climate impact of current global consumption and production systems. To enable a smooth and inclusive transition, it is important to ensure that all European countries have the necessary expertise on the scope and potential of the circular economy. Our project Capacity Building on Circular Economy in the Western Balkans – CE/WB aims to strengthen the capacity of the Western Balkan countries to develop and implement circular economy concepts and practices.

The project engages with six Western Balkan countries, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, to address their needs in terms of circular economy expertise, insights, and practical examples.

In an initiative that aims to help reshape the policy and environmental landscape of the Western Balkans, a pioneering and transformative three-day capacity building programme focusing on circular economy principles took place in June 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

This endeavour will bring together stakeholders and experts from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. With a focus on enhancing their knowledge of circular economy practices, the programme aims to align participants with the EU’s dynamic policy framework. By harnessing the expertise of key experts at the European level and fostering cross-country exchange, it aims to ignite a spirit of ownership and commitment among the region’s leading experts and policy makers.

The project is implemented within the framework of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance of the EU supported by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The project runs until October 2024 and is implemented by the CSCP and the VITO.

For further questions, please contact Kartika Anggraeni.
