
Your Opinion Wanted: Take the Dialogue Forum Survey on Upcycled Food Products

Chocolate made from confectionery production scraps? Dumplings made from bakeries’ breadcrumbs? Such upcycled products are the result of food rescue, the process of gleaning edible food that would otherwise be discarded. Start-ups and retailers in Germany are looking for consumer feedback in order to identify challenges and opportunities related to the offering of upcycled products. Take the survey and contribute to reduce food waste!

As part of the Dialogue Forum for the Reduction of Food Waste in Wholesale and Retail, innovative products from young start-ups in the field of food rescue are given central stage at the “Retterregal” (Rescue Shelf) in the sustainability experience market PENNY Grüner Weg, Berlin. Such start-ups are implementing innovative solutions to rescue food whose quality is impeccable, but which is usually wasted due to inefficient supply chains, wasteful production processes, or simply because products don’t look as nice visually.

The survey aims to collect consumer feedback in order to increase and improve the acceptability of upcycled products. Findings of the survey will support start-ups, retailers, but also decision-makers to advance current solutions and generate new ones in the field of food rescue and beyond.

By taking part in the survey (in German), you can make a direct contribution to gaining further insights into how food waste can be sensibly reduced!

The National Dialogue Forum for Reduction of Food Waste in Wholesale and Retail Industry is carried out by the CSCP in collaboration with the Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut.

For further information, please contact Nora Brüggemann.
