
Green Codes

The Green Codes (Códigos Verdes) project is designed to facilitate the transition of Costa Rican SMEs to low-carbon and resource-efficient business models. The objective is to jointly and collaboratively develop a starting point and roadmap to guide SMEs in their journey towards voluntary sustainability standards.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make up the greatest portion of economies around the world. In developing countries in particular, they play a central role in economic growth and job creation, innovation and entrepreneurship, and poverty reduction and regional development.

However, it has become increasingly difficult for such enterprises to navigate the complex and diverse international regulatory frameworks as well as assess and adapt to trends and pressures to enhance market sustainability.

The Green Codes project will support the development of a governance tool of voluntary sustainability standards for Costa Rican SMEs to incorporate good practices that render their business models more circular, low-carbon, and resource efficient, while retaining a competitive advantage in the market.

The project is carried out by the CSCP in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Costa Rica. It targets SMEs that have just started to take action to incorporate sustainability into their business or are not yet able to access a sustainability certification scheme but are seeking for a tool to enable sustainable consumption and production.

Based on a five-step methodology developed and tested by the CSCP, the project will offer 125 Costa Rican SMEs from three sectors (agro-industry, technology, and services) a platform to explore a pool of sustainability best practices and jointly define which of these will formally become part of the set of voluntary codes of practice.

The CSCP will accompany the SMEs in the implementation of the voluntary standards, through a help desk, capacity building, networking and public-private partnerships; and ensure the long-term sustainability of the project through the creation of a local management and monitoring committee.

The Green Codes is part of the European Union Al-Invest Verde programme and is aimed at promoting sustainable growth and job creation in Latin America. The project runs until spring 2026.
