Indicators for Sustainable Chemicals Management Contributions to the Upcoming Development Work under the new Global Framework for Chemicals The list of challenges related to the production and use of chemicals across products’ lifecycles is long – from lack of transparency hindering consumers to pick more sustainable alternatives to the absence of clear regulation regarding hazardous substances. To address these and other challenges, the “2020 Chemicals Target”, an agreement aimed at minimizing adverse effects of chemicals on human health and the environment, was agreed on at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in South Africa in 2002. To implement the “2020 Chemicals Target”, the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) was established in 2006. As the mandate of the Strategic Approach ended in 2020, an inter-sessional process involving multiple international stakeholders was on its way to develop recommendations for shaping the strategic approach on international chemicals and waste management beyond 2020. As part of this inter-sessional process, the “Indicators for Sustainable Chemicals Management” project, a participatory multi-actor process with German and international experts, aimed to create positive impacts by developing indicators in the form of orientation marks to help monitor the progress in the post-2020 period. The result was a set of indicators that have been broadly discussed along criteria that have been developed for the evaluation of the indicators. The CSCP contributed to the identification, analysis and preparatory work related to these indicators. Moreover, the CSCP lead the international multi-stakeholder process, in which representatives from the international chemical sector, politics, academia, civil society, and topic experts were invited to evaluate the preparatory work and engage in critical discussions about which indicators could contribute to a roadmap towards a more sustainable management of chemicals. The project Indicators for Sustainable Chemicals Management is funded by the Umweltbundesamt (UBA).