
Join Our Webinar on 7 February 2023: Insights From Our sustainable.circular Programme

Circular Economy efforts are not always on target with the desired sustainability results. Our programme, sustainable.circular was developed with this idea in mind: to ensure that developments toward a Circular Economy are guided by a clear objective to achieve greater sustainability. The first round of sustainable.circular focuses on identifying activities and instruments that bridge existing differences between sustainability and circular efforts in German small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

During the first phase of this round of the programme, a survey was conducted on the strategic approaches as well as needs within companies when it comes to closing the gap between circularity and sustainability. Aspects such as skills, management tools, and pre-conditions for change processes were analysed in detail. The results were discussed in follow up expert-interviews which generated additional insights and a future outlook. Learnings from these activities will be shared and discussed during the webinar.

In particular, the webinar will address the following questions:

  • Are circular approaches, business models, and products always sustainable?
  • Is sustainability in the future no longer conceivable without circularity?
  • What potentials and challenges do entrepreneurs see in implementing circular approaches?
  • What kind of support do SMEs need when it comes to implementing circular solutions?

Dr. Katharina Reuter, Bundesverband Nachhaltige Wirtschaft – BNW
Michael Kuhndt, CSCP
Sophie Herrmann, SYSTEMIQ
Dr. Florian Hofmann, Circular Society Platform

Date: 7 February 2023
Time: 15:00-17:00 CEST
Language: German
Cost: Free of charge
Registration: Join the webinar by registering here.

The first round of our sustainable.circular programme is supported and funded by the German Federal Environment Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt – DBU) and in cooperation with the Federal Association for Sustainable Economy (Bundesverband Nachhaltige Wirtschaft – BNW e.V.).

For further questions, please contact Mike Tabel.
