Investing in a Good Life

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Who we are

The Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP) is an international nonprofit Think and Do tank that works with businesses, policy makers, partner organisations and civil society towards a good life


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Featured News

The UBi Dialogue Forum 2024: Charting Sustainable Futures

How can businesses harness the economic power of biodiversity to address both environmental and economic challenges? Join us at the UBi Dialogue Forum 2024 on 11 June in Berlin, where industry leaders will come together to discuss how to shape a sustainable future through innovative practices and interdisciplinary collaboration.


CSCP Impact Map

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Featured Publication

Charta Sustainable Digitalisation

The Charta offers orientation for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to proactively engage and thrive in the twin sustainable-digital transformation. The document focuses on the most important fields of action at the intersection of sustainability and digitalisation and explores them from the SME perspective. The Charta is a starting point for SME leaders to identify challenges and opportunities based on their business’ profile and set a course of action based on their individual strengths, experiences and ambitions.


Call for Collaboration

Next Food: How Alternative Proteins Can Transform the Food System

The current European food system is not in line with the sustainability and health goals set by the European Union. Despite significant efforts and initiatives, the shift towards a more sustainable food system is still not holistic and fast enough to achieve the required scale. What is needed to accelerate this transition, address environmental concerns and improve public health at the same time?

Updates from the co-do! lab

“Connecting Transformation Leaders Toward Greater Impact”

In this interview, CSCP Senior Project Manager and co-do lab Team Member, Mariana Nicolau speaks about the power of “collective intelligence” and explains how the co-do lab Pioneer Network provides a space for co-creating transformative solutions.


Join the CSCP’s Co-Working Space

If you are interested in collaborating with the CSCP, the Co-Working Space might be the right starting place for you. We are happy to share our Co-Working Space with you! To find out more, please contact Ramon Külpmann.

"CSCP promotes innovation and provides significant support to finding sustainable development solutions. In the realm of sustainable consumption, it inspires new ways of thinking sustainability, placing the individual as the starting point of change, understanding that less consumption is driven by wellbeing and happiness."

Marina Bortoletti, UNEP Brazil
