Motivations, Opportunities and Abilities: Understanding the Context of Social Norms Through Our CHORIZO Project @CHORIZOproject In May 2023, the CHORIZO project partners from across Europe gathered in Budapest, hosted by the Hungarian Food Bank Association, to share updates and collaborate on next steps. During the two-day CHORIZO General Assembly, CSCP representatives joined discussions, collaborative sessions, and workshops on the project’s activities which span research, action and impact on food loss and waste. The project’s six case studies each shared updates on their work as they near the end of the initial research phase and start to analyse what they have found from desk research, surveys, and interviews in the contexts of schools, hospitality, food banks, households, date marking and food services. The CSCP together with the project partners explored the prototype of the CHORIZO Insighter and Datahub, which will sit at the heart of the project, providing stakeholders with access to a future hub for a wide range of data and analysis on food loss and waste. Partners also worked together on identifying the motivations, opportunities and abilities (the MOA framework) of key actors in each of the case studies, regarding social norms found in relation to behaviours in those settings. The CSCP led an interactive session with partners using the MOA framework to explore how key stakeholders will engage with the project’s main outputs, gathering ideas to take forward in the development of these products. A highlight of the event was a visit to the distribution centre of the Hungarian Food Bank Association. Here the partners were able to see the mechanics of surplus food distribution in action (which types of products come in, from which sources, and how these are then passed on to those who need them) and learn from the organisation’s network of operations across the country. For further questions, please contact Rosalyn Old.