
“Consumption and the Environment in Europe’s Circular Economy” – Check Out the ETC/CE Report and Watch the Webinar Recording!

Consumers play a key role in unlocking the potential of Circular Economy. During an interactive webinar held in September 2023, a panel of experts, including from the European Commission, the European Parliament, Hot or Cool Institute, and the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC), shared insights and perspectives on the current debate of policy options for the transition toward sustainable consumption in Europe.

The webinar built on an extensive analytical work conducted by  the European Environment Agency (EEA) and supported by the European Topic Centre on Circular Economy and Resource Use (ETC CE) on household consumption and its environment and climate pressures as well as conditions and pathways for sustainable and circular consumption in Europe.

Within the framework of the ETC/CE project, the CSCP together with other partners has contributed to exploring internal and external drivers of consumption and how it can be changed to ensure a good life for all within the planetary boundaries. In these studies, consumption trends in the EU have been investigated, including environmental footprints together with conditions and pathways needed to transition towards sustainable and circular consumption.

The output of this work is available in the report “Consumption and the Environment in Europe’s Circular Economy” and two related briefings:

For additional insights on the report, the briefings, and the topic of sustainable consumption in general, please watch the recording the webinar.

Webinar Recording


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For further questions, please contact Rosalyn Old.
