
Green Claims Explained: Listen to the “Grüne Wiese” Podcast with CSCP Executive Director Michael Kuhndt!

‘Environmentally-friendly’, ‘climate-neutral’, ‘sustainable’, ‘green’, – marketing strategies in the European Union (EU) are overloaded with terms like these. According to the European Commission, more than half of such claims are vague, misleading or based on inaccurate information. In addition, European consumers are confronted with 230 sustainability labels and 100 green energy labels with varying degrees of transparency. The planned EU Green Claims Directive aims to put an end to unsubstantiated marketing claims and empower consumers to make informed choices. But what does this mean in practice?

How will the Green Claims Directive change the way products and services are marketed in the EU and what impact will this have on marketing and sustainability strategies, business models, and operations in companies?

What kind of data do companies need to collect to substantiate their claims? Moreover, what processes and frameworks are needed in the first place in order to generate the required data from respective actors along the supply chain?

What is the role of Artificial Intelligence and how can companies employ it to create robust, data-driven, and substantiated claims?

Why is it important for companies to think beyond the business realm and build collaborations and partnerships with other relevant actors in society?

In a recent episode of the “Grüne Wiese” podcast, CSCP Executive Director Michael Kuhndt addresses these questions in a conversation with Andreas Winterer, Senior Advisor and Podcaster at SAIM – Consulting by UTOPIA and Meike Gebhard, Managing Director and communications expert at UTOPIA.

You can listen to the full episode of the podcast here. The podcast is in German.

“Grüne Wiese” is a monthly podcast series by UTOPIA, exploring topics related to sustainable entrepreneurship. You can find additional information on the podcast here.

If you have questions on the EU Green Claims Directive or would like to engage with us on this topic, please contact Michael Kuhndt.
