Navigating Pathogen Emergencies: Field Experiences and Policy Perspectives from our PathoCERT Project As the PathoCERT project draws to a close, project partners and involved stakeholders came together at the third and last European Community of Practice event “Navigating Waterborne Pathogen Emergencies with PathoCERT’s Policy Perspectives and Field Experiences”. The event focused on distilling lessons learned from the project’s engagement approach and pilot activities and translating them into policy recommendations that will actively support the widespread adoption of PathoCERT’s pioneering solutions. PathoCERT project partners, UCY, KWR, HRT and EYATH and two related projects, ULTIMATE and WATERMINING shared insights on how learnings across the water sector, gathered through the communities of practice (CoPs), can be translated into concrete policy recommendations. As part of a panel discussion, field experts Philippe Quevauviller (Policy Officer, European Commission), Lydia Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia (KWR), Anastasia Moumtzidou (ITI) and Eleftherios Ouzounoglou (ICCS) addressed policy gaps related to the emergency management of water related events. In joint discussions with the participants, the experts shared ideas on how to bridge the gap between research findings and policies. Did you miss the PathoCERT European Community of Practice event? Watch the recording now! By loading the video, you agree to Vimeo's privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock Vimeo The innovative methodology deployed in PathoCERT included a comprehensive stakeholder engagement strategy resulting in a total of 30 Community of Practice meetings organised across six pilot cities/regions: Granada (Spain), Amsterdam (Netherlands), Limassol (Cyprus), Thessaloniki (Greece), Sofia (Bulgaria) and Seoul (South Korea), coupled with direct pilot-testing field work. Through these events, a diverse range of stakeholders had the opportunity to provide valuable feedback to technology developers and to engage in collaborative co-creation processes around management system practices, highlighting existing challenges and areas of opportunity For further information, please contact Francesca Grossi.