
The “bergisch.kompetenz” Project Kicks-Off: Enabling the Circular Transformation of the Metal and Tools Industry

What will metal processing industries look like in the future? How can they become more circular and sustainable? What do small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in this sector need in order to lead successful transformation processes? These and other sector-relevant aspects are at the core of our new project, “bergisch.kompetenz”, which launched in May 2024 in the cities of Wuppertal, Solingen, and Remscheid in Germany.

Referred to as the Bergische city triangle (Bergisches Städtedreieck), the region is famous for its long tradition in metal-based products such as knives, scissors and other tools. However, in order to overcome current challenges but also become future-proof, industry actors are faced with the need for a systemic transformation.

With the new project, the CSCP together with the project lead, Neue Effizienz and other project partners will support the circular transformation of this sector both on a conceptual level as well as through direct collaboration with SMEs.

The project will focus on implementing sustainable circular economy practices on several levels and covering a wide range of topics. From company culture, leadership, and human resources through to product design and manufacturing techniques, the project will feed in circular economy principles and solutions to shape and enable the transformation. Together with relevant local actors, “bergisch.kompetenz” will also develop customised concepts that reflect the specific needs of the involved companies.

The project consortium brings together expertise from many fields, including laboratory research, innovative training and capacity building approaches, circular economy, behavioural knowledge, manufacturing techniques and more. This way, holistic concepts can be developed and tested before being implemented and upscaled.

The CSCP will share its expertise on the regional circular economy landscape and sustainable transformation processes in companies.

“bergisch.kompetenz” is funded by the European Fund for Regional Development through the Ministry of Economy Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The project runs until 2027.

For further questions, please contact Pawel Zylka.

Photo by Brandon Cormier on Unsplash.
