Digital Centre WertNetzWerke Enabling Sustainable Digitalisation for German SMEs The Digital Centre WertNetzWerke (Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum WertNetzWerke) brings digitalisation and standardisation to German small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). With the CSCP as part of the consortium, WertNetzWerke specifically looks into how digitalisation can be used to enable more sustainable business models and production processes. To meet current and upcoming challenges, WertNetzWerke focuses on strengthening small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by supporting them to operate successfully in intelligent and digital networks. Metaverse, Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Digital Product Passports can help SMEs save resources and open up new business models through collaboration. Combining sustainability and digitalisation opens up opportunities for robust and sustainable business models as well as innovation, adding value to individual companies and the market as a whole. To support SMEs tap into these opportunities, the centre will set up a Value Creation Lab in Wuppertal. As part of the lab, companies will be able to learn how to integrate sustainability into their business models through digital tools. Key offerings of the WertNetzWerke centre include: Developing sustainable and future-proof digital solutions Discovering circular value creation (Circular Economy) for business models Product lifecycles and holistic process management along the value chain to enable efficiency gains and competitive advantages In workshops, webinars and live events companies will be introduced to digital tools to improve their business models and best practices on concrete fields of action will be shared. WertNetzWerke is a follow-up of our Competence Centre eStandards and runs under the umbrella of Mittelstand Digital, which offers guidance for SMEs as they embrace the digital transformation and is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The Digital Centre WertNetzWerke is implemented by a consortium of the Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production gGmbH, wisnet innovation research institute e. V., The Federal Association of Materials Management Purchasing Logistics (BME), the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT) Sankt Augustin, the Fraunhofer Centre for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW. The consortium is led by GS1 Germany.